Archivio per Marzo 2007

MSN Shutdown

venerdì, 23 Marzo 2007

Una bella settimanella di stacco dalle varie chat, prima fra tutte MSN … Ci stava tutta! 😉
Chi ne ha il coraggio, soprattutto gli assuefatti, faccia questa prova e ne lasci testimonianza… 😛
Si sopravvive lo stesso (anche meglio per certi versi)… E si comunica mediante gli altri, numerosi, canali … 🙂


venerdì, 23 Marzo 2007

Salve a tutti, oggi una piccola comunicazione di servizio: dopo aver aggiornato WordPress all’ultima versione, ho sostituito il plugin antispam con un altro prodotto. Alcuni utenti lamentavano (giustamente) il filtraggio e la perdita dei loro commenti ‘buoni’ (non spam). Ora utilizzo Askimet, un piccolo software incluso nell’installazione di default di WordPress… speriamo che funzioni a dovere. In caso contrario, contattatemi pure! 😉


venerdì, 16 Marzo 2007

I seen a girl on a one way corridor
Stealing down a wrong way street
For all the world like an urban toreador
She had wheels on on her feet
Well the cars do the usual dances
Sames old cruise and the kerbside crawl
But the rollergirl she’s taking chances
They just love to see her take them all

No fears alone at night she’s sailing through the crowd
In her ears the phones are tight and the music’s playing loud

Hallelujah here she comes queen rollerball
Enchante what can I say don’t care at all
You know she used to have to wait around
She used to be the lonely one
But now that she can skate around town
She’s the only one

No fears alone at night she’s sailing through the crowd
In her ears the phones are tight and the music’s playing loud

She gets rock n roll a rock n roll station
And a rock n roll dream
She’s making movies on location
She don’t know what it means
But the music make her wanna be the story
And the story was whatever was the song what it was
Rollergirl don’t worry
D.j. play the movies all night long

She tortures taxi drivers just for fun
She like to read their lips
Says toro toro taxi see ya tomorrow my son
I swear she let a big truck graze her hip
She got her own world in the city
You can’t intrude on her
She got her own world in the city
Cos the city’s been so rude to her

Come slippin and a slidin
Life’s a rollerball
Slippin and a slidin
Skateaway that’s all
Shala shalay hey hey skateaway
She’s singing shala shalay hey hey

(Skateway, Dire Straits, 1980)